Sunday, May 6, 2012

Metro : 5 Metro Design Prinicipal

I am going to discuss 5 Metro design principals and how they help a UX in designing a better , easily usable UI for any application. Microsoft has a done a lot of homework in putting together these principals and if we developer stick to these principals we can definable make a s/w which will help users in getting a maximum return for their investment in s/w.

Lets see what are famous 5 Metro design principals:

1) Pride in Craftsmanship
This talks about how you put together different pieces in UI. In Metro we have Tiles, and these tiles are nothing but a group of tables. Since HTML was used to design applications, Developer & Designers have been using Tables every where.

Metro puts a lot of stress in using Grids for UI. Using a grid helps in Developer making sure each and every UI element is properly aligned.

This principal also puts a lot of stress in making a proper use of Pixels. Each and every UI element should be properly sized and follow a consistent size across applications.
For example Heading should be 42", contents should be 11" in font-size.

2) Do more with Less

This talks about how you are planning to use UI elements in your applications. Lets if you have a grid and it shows employee records which can be edited and deleted. Now a developer will normally end up showing Delete and Edit button with every record, but if we follow Metro guidelines we should not have a separate Edit and Delete for each record infact we should let user select a record in Employee grid and then he should see Edit or Delete button to perform any action.

3) Be fast and fluid
This principal talks about UIs which are fluid in nature, By letting your UI being fluid you let your application expand and collapse based on available Screen. If a user has a bigger monitor and better display then he deserves to see the contents in a better way. By letting your application adjust its display based on available screen, an application can have recommendation than being rigid.

This principal also encourage application to be better responsive, don't try to block UI thread while executing resource intensive task. If you are querying database or service for data then try to get data in smaller chunks and keep user updated about available data.

 4) Authentically Digital
This principal talks about authenticating and sharing user's profile and experience for an application across different devices.
Lets say if a user is using customer search feature of your application and goes for a lunch break. While having if suddenly something strikes user and he wants to do some operation on Customer search page, luckily he realizes that he has his I-Pad and he starts your application,,,so definitely at this point if your application figures out that last time same user was on customer search page and if it launches same page for user then definitely it will be a great help for user.

5) Win as One
This principal talks about sharing contracts across application. Best example is sharing themes across application. Lets a user whose favourite color is Green and has used Green Theme for its Operating System, then for same user if your application has more of a Green color. This way if all application shares and obey each others contract then it will help user in having a consistent feeling across all applications.

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